Contact us: info@itrtheatre.com
Oct 29th-Nov 6th
The trials and tribulations of a small theatre company trying to stage a new play are evident. With neurotic and demanding actors, a terrifying crew, troublesome sets and a hysterical playwright; the director only has so much time to get them all working seamlessly together before the play goes up.

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Patrick Flanagan - Gord Hawkes
Jessica Logan - Lynn Jolicoeur
Phil Mastorakis - Ian Bell
Georgie Ellsworth - Sophie Hall
Robert Ross - Davis Jermacans
Tom Kent - Alain Chauvin
Nick - David Lang
Susi - Michelle Stewart
Peggy - Jennifer Roquebrune
Producer - Jennifer Roquebrune , Jeremiah Orlewicz
Director - Len Trembley
Assistant Director - Paula Maloney
Props - Elaine Trembley
Set Design - Len Trembley
Set Decoration - Elaine Trembley , Janice Jenness , Lynn Jolicoeur
Prompter - Paula Maloney
Sound & Lights - Bill Paul , John Barnard
Photography - Gord Hawkes
Advertising - Rich Fisher
Programme - Paula Maloney
Programme Cover Art - Michelle Stewart